Breath, especially normal or adequate breathing; respiration. 尤指正常或足够的呼吸;呼吸。
The positive rate in Cheat patients with not normal Vital signs such as blood pressure and pulse and respiration is smaller than in coma. 诈病患者血压、脉搏、呼吸、体温等生命体征不正常阳性率较昏迷患者低。
The pressure and flow rate distributions in different positions of the lungs during normal respiration and partial bronchial obstruction were compared, respectively. 在此基础上探讨了支气管局部受阻时,肺支气管树内不同部位的压力和流量的分布状况,并进行了比较。
, remain the normal limits not cause and poison result from respiration, at the same time it may prevent the death result from respiratory restrain. 呼吸监测结果显示其呼吸系统的各项生理指标基本维持在正常范围内,不致发生呼吸性酸中毒等变化,并能防止因呼吸抑制而发生死亡。
Conclusion: Emergent measures for serious chest trauma are: keep the respiratory tract unobstructed, keep normal ventilation and oxygen supply, perform tracheotomy, give mechanical positive pressure respiration; 结论:严重胸外伤的紧急处理措施:保持通畅的呼吸道,维持正常的通气和给氧,气管切开,机械正压呼吸;
Under normal water supply conditions the respiration rate, dehydrogenase activities ( indicating root vigor), and ascorbic acid content were maximum in the roots at the extension stage, then at the leaflet colouring stage. 在正常供水条件下,籽苗根系的呼吸速率,以去氢酶为指标的根系活力以及抗坏血酸含量都以伸长期的为最大,展叶期的次之,变色期的最小;
Infant under one year old postoperative were used by respiratory machine to recover normal respiration. 术后小婴儿常规使用呼吸机辅助呼吸,至自主呼吸恢复正常。
The airway resistance ( Raw) was determined with interruption technique for 327 normal old, middle aged and young persons after exploration of the effect of forced respiration, lung volume and upper airway compliance on it. 对用力呼吸、肺容积及上气道顺应性对气道阻力(Raw)的影响进行探索后,用阻断法对327例正常老中青年人作了Raw的测定。
Normal respiration was conducted in patients of the control group, and the electro-cardio indexes as well as the blood pressure were measured the same as the experiment group. 对照组进行正常呼吸,心电指标、血压测量同实验组。
Objective To quantitatively investigate the electromyographic ( EMG) activities of human masticatory muscles at the postural position and during various mandibular movements in normal subjects and to discuss whether changes in the mode of respiration affect the EMG activity of human masticatory muscles. 目的研究在不同呼吸方式下健康成人在姿势位及各种下颌功能运动中,咀嚼肌的肌电活动规律,探讨呼吸方式的改变是否会引起其肌电变化。
By the statistic analysis of Flank lead ECG of 20 healthy normal male subjects, it was found that the amplitudes of the QRS complex were different between the respiration phases. 通过对20例健康男性Frank导联心电图在不同呼吸阶段的QRS波波形平均和振幅统计,观察到处于不同呼吸阶段的QRS波的振幅有差别。
Influence on Nervus Phrenicus Electric Potential of Rabbit under Normal Respiration or Asphyxiation with Electro-acupuncture in the Ear-top point 电针自然呼吸和窒息家兔耳尖穴对膈神经放电的影响